Friday, August 26, 2011

2nd Trimester, here we come!

The first trimester is over! It was hard keeping the news of baby diff a secret, especially on days I wasn't feeling the best. It was fun "coming out" to the world and letting them in our exciting news! We spent many days making phone calls to our families and close friends to let them know before the big Facebook announcement. We told all of the family members, which was a huge task, mainly we just told Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles, tracking down all of our cousins would have been way too many minutes on the cell phone bill! :)

The morning sickness has not magically gone away like I was told that it would, it actually almost seems as if I'm getting a little worse. Maybe it is just like the big final send off before I enter the 2nd trimester bliss! Either way, I'm patiently waiting for the sick feelings to end, I have noticed my energy increasing! My bedtimes of 7 PM are almost behind me, I've seen 9 PM a couple times this week (look out world!). Currently I am not a fruit or veggie fan, so perhaps I will develop of love again for these as I move towards the 2nd trimester, we shall see!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baby Diff is 12 Weeks and 5 Days!

Today was fun at the doctors office, it was so cool to see Baby Diff just hanging out. It wasn't moving around a whole lot at first, it might have been sleeping, so the doctor was pushing it with the ultrasound wand. It was laying facing out and she needed it to lay on its back for some side profile photos and turn around so she could see the back of its neck and spinal cord. That is how they did the Nuchal Translucency (downs test assessment), they measured the back of it's neck on the ultrasound and then took some of my blood through a finger prick (that wasn't that fun). Then they will come back with a risk assessment, but we aren't worried about it or anything. Here is a website that explains the test:

The baby was being really stubborn and when she would sort of get it to turn, the baby would like flutter back to where it was comfortable (facing out). She kept laughing about how stubborn it was being (not sure where it would get that from!) It was so cool to see it's little arms and legs! It put it's left hand near it's mouth a couple of times, while I'm not a promoter of thumb sucking, it was cute to see. It better get it all out of its system while it's in there! ha ha!

The heartbeat was 152, Chad said it sounded like a horse hoofs because it was so loud and fast. You could see it beating on the ultrasound, it was pretty cool, it flickered so fast! The baby is measuring to the exact size it should be for 12 weeks and 5 days. Everything is great and looks good!

We met with Dr. Young and he listed to the heart rate through a doppler machine, it wasn't as loud on there, but still measured at 152. He told us everything looks good and the baby looks right on track.

My next appointment Thursday, September 22nd for the test results and to hear the heart beat again through this doppler machine. I don't go back for the next sonogram until Friday, October 7th. That is when they will know then whether it's a boy or a girl, although we won't know until around March 2nd!

Baby Diff 12 Weeks 5 Days