Monday, October 8, 2012

Landon's Halloween Costume Arrived!

Today we recieved the monkey costume in the mail from the Sente family. I thought it would be really big on Landon because it looked so long, but it fit pretty well! We needed to take some photos so we popped Wrigley into his banana costume.

Enjoy some pictures of our little monkey and banana man! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bath Toys

Landon had a bath with toys for the first time tonight. He had lots of fun and tried to eat all of them! 
Wrigley wanted to get in on the action too. 


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday with Mommy

Landon and I had a very fun day together. Landon was a little tired from Friday night at Zoo Boo, then Saturday MOSI and the FSU/USF game Saturday night. After he woke up from his 2nd nap we went to Publix and he tried out the shopping cart cover Nana made him. It was the first time sitting in the cart like a big boy! Then we came home and tried real banana for the first time. Landon could not get enough! He loved bananas! He was eating them through this mesh strainer/teether so that was gross, but he liked it.

Landon was sitting up by himself (proud as can be) after his nap
It might be time to lower the crib mattress! 
This little guy hitch-hiked a ride to Publix. When I stopped at the red light he popped up and scared the crap out of me!

Big Boy!
He loved riding in the front of the cart!

Yum! Banana! 

Look Ma! No Hands!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 Months Old!

I'm 7 months old! I can now sit up all on my own and I'm a super speedy roller. I scoot around, but mostly go backwards which means I find myself under things more often than not. I get up on my hands and knees and look like I'm going to cr
awl, but I just rock, then flop over and roll my way to my destination. 

I'm getting pretty good at getting puffs into my mouth, which means more for me and less for Wrigley. However I still help my brother out and throw him down some when he begs. (Mom doesn't like that!) I am also attempting to wave to people and I love to give my mommy and daddy kisses. By kisses I mean eat their face. I'm getting better at petting Wrigley, we love to play together. Mom doesn't like it when we try and share our toys. 

I've been experimenting with lots of different foods but I still prefer my bottles to food. My bottles are typically 6 ounces. 
I eat real food twice daily with 4 ounces of formula. I am doing much better with sippy cups! 

I am a non-stop talker but no real words yet. I laugh all the time and am still a very happy baby. I just hang out and amuse myself. My new daycare teachers can't believe how easy going I am!

I wear size 6 to 9 month clothing, 9 month pj's and size 3 diapers. Mommy and Daddy have to weigh and measure me for this month.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brotherly Love

Landon and Wrigley playing together
Wrigley is so good with Landon

Big boy playing on the toy Grandma Queen bought him.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rowdy at the Rowdies Game!

Landon went to his first professional soccer game last night. Betsy gave me free ticket vouchers so Meghan DeWitt, Stephen Theodore, Amanda Pettograsso, Brandon Hixson, Jessica, and Michael Werthman all went to the game against the Atlanta Silverbacks for free. My co-worker Stu Oleson was there with his brother, brother's girlfriend, and another friend. We sat with them in the "mob" section and learned a few Rowdie cheers. Landon was wide awake and loved the game! It was a really good game and ended in a 1 - 1 tie. I wanted a shoot out but apparently that only happens in the playoffs.

Before the game we went to Meghan and Stephen's house to work on some wedding crafts. I took this picture of Landon and Chad watching college football together. Both FSU and ND won, it was a great day for college football in our house!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

Chad left on Thursday night for Stephen Theodore's bachelor party. On Friday Landon and Mommy had a big date at Peabody's to see my co-worker perform. It was Landon's first concert and he fell asleep! :) Summer, Jeff, and Autumn Burnett also came out to Peabody's. I joked that it was Autumn and Landon's first date.

Landon resting while mommy showered

Summer, Jeff, and Autumn

Landon watching Mark play

Mommy and Landon on their date together!

Before I went to Meghan DeWitt's bachelorette party on Saturday Landon and I got ready for the first Notre Dame game of the season and wore our jerseys.

While I was in Orlando and Chad was in Virgina, Landon had a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa Smith in Dunedin. He had lots of fun with them! Grandma sent me the picture of Landon cruising around with Grandpa in his wheel chair.

He was very tired when he got home and so was mommy!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Landon's First Sleepover

Landon and Wrigley slept over Uncle Stewart's house with Michelle, Cheyenne, Bryce, and cousin Zachary on Friday night. Mommy and Daddy were at Disney World partaking in Epcot's Drink Around the World for Megan Sullivan's birthday.

We dropped Wrigley off at Stewart's on Thursday night along with all of Landon's stuff. Then Friday morning we took Landon to day care and headed off to Disney. Stewart picked up Landon on his way home from work. They sent us some pictures, they apparently wore Landon out because he was sleeping in most of them! :)

Cousin Zachary holding Landon
Chad and I had a really good time at Disney. Danielle and her boyfriend Ralph, flew down from Chicago to visit and go to Epcot, so did Amanda's cousin Sarah from Boston. We had a pretty good group at Epcot!

Chad, Ralph, me, Megan, Billy, Amanda, Michael, Brandon, Sarah
Kelly, Jessica, and Danielle

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Landon and Paint!

Landon was at school painting a school bus red. Usually their art projects are based on a book, but I wasn't sure what book this was from. As you can tell from the photos, he was super messy! Ms. Mariah said he loved the project but was pretty stubborn when she was trying to help and take the paper away from him.



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sippy Cup Adventures

I was feeding Landon his bottle on Monday night and he was using his fists to hold the bottle all on his own. Since he was clearly able to feed himself I thought it would be fun to try using some sippy cups.

Babies R Us had a $5 off a $5 purchase coupon, so I used 4 of them to purchase some green Avent sippy cups. They are pretty similar to his bottles, but they have handles. He did really well with them, I was impressed! I still had to help him hold the cup, I seems a little heavier than the bottle.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Landon's First Trip to Disney

Nana, Aunt Megan, Daddy and Mommy took Landon to Disney for the first time! We tried to make it to the opening of the Magic Kingdom, but that didn't happen! Between all of us there was a lot going on, when we stopped at the Shell for Nana to get gas Landon spit up and needed a new outfit. That was his 2nd of the day. The first outfit he peed through and on to Aunt Megan. So, Landon in his 3rd outfit, Aunt Megan in her 2nd, and the rest of us managed to get to the park around 9:30 AM! Landon was squealing with excitement. It was really funny, he kept swinging his legs in the stroller and shrieking.

Big boy and his 1st visit button!
The button didn't last long on his shirt, he kept trying to eat it.
When we got into the park we saw Snow White had a line to get pictures taken with her. While in the line Landon decided he needed to be changed. I took him over to the bathrooms and while we were finishing up Aunt Megan came running in to grab Landon. She said they were holding up the line and Snow White was waiting for him. So she took off when Landon while I grabbed all the stuff and met them out there. Right after Snow White we saw Mary Poppins was just standing around in the corner so we took some pictures with her too! After people saw us with Mary Poppins a line began to form for her.

We had fast passes to get our pictures with Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Bell in one room and Mickey and Minnie in another. Landon fell asleep while after meeting Mickey and Minnie and was in and out of sleep while meeting the princesses. 

We had a fast pass for Dumbo so we headed over there. They are remodeling Magic Kingdom again and even though we were there about 6 months ago, things are already different! The dumbo ride has completely changed, there is now 2 of them. There is a huge tent for you to wait in until it your turn to ride too. Landon did really well the whole day! He slept on and off, he is such a good sleeper! He really doesn't get affected by noise. He loved all the characters too. He was a huge fan of their noses! 

I'm not sure what he would say were his favorite rides, he visited a lot of attractions: Dumbo, Peter Pan,  Haunted Mansion, People Mover, Mickey's PhilharMagic, Country Bear Jamboree, and slept through It's a Small World and most of Pirates of the Caribbean.



We had really nice, but super hot weather. It did rain for a little while, Daddy and Aunt Megan were on Space Mountain, so while it started to rain Nana and Mommy had ice cream under cover and Landon ate some fruit and rice cereal. It was a nice little break!  

The night ended with us watching the Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade and then the Magic Kingdom fireworks. Landon LOVED the parade and then fell asleep during the fireworks. He sat on Aunt Megan's lap and watched all the light up floats and characters go by. Snow White came over to him and touched his nose. She told him he was the cutest thing! We had actually heard several times that day how cute Landon was and what a happy baby. He was quite the hit at the park!


Snow White telling Landon he is the cutest thing!
We had such a fun day at Disney! Landon's first trip was a success! He can't wait to go back!