Monday, July 30, 2012

Avocado and apples with a little bit of carrots

Mommy was eating avocado and let me try some. I'm glad she did because I loved it!

Tonight I tried apples, they were so good I ate my entire jar! I normally don't eat that much but I really couldn't get enough. After I finished my apples I had a little bit of some carrots. Mommy decided that I would skip my oatmeal tonight since she was sure I was filled up on apples.

Landon loves to try and feed himself, but he isn't so good at it. However we let him try!


Today Miss Mariah gave Landon puffs for the first time and he loved them! It was so nice, she text me and asked if Landon could have some. They were apple and banana flavored. He wasn't too sure at first but he loves them now! Miss Mariah sent me two videos, I just loved it!

Landon the Olympic Star

Our next Olympic Star! 
Maybe the Summer Olympics of 2024? (That sounds so far away!)

Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm 5 Months Old!

I'm 5 months old! I am almost sitting up, most of the time I pretty much fold over in half, but I am trying really hard! I love to grab my feet, roll all over the place, and squeal/scream. I love to hear my shrieks, they make me laugh. I also give kisses now, they are more like open mouth drooling "I'm going to eat your face" but they make my mom's heart melt. She loves it when I grab her face and give her kisses. I also like to reach my arms out for Mommy and Daddy to pick me up. I'm not very consistent with it, but they smile when I do it, and usually pick me up.

My happy personality is very apparent, I'm all smiles and giggles. Daddy makes lots of funny noises and I think they are hysterical! I also respond to silly faces.

I eat oatmeal or rice cereal every night (around 7:30 PM) and it is accompanied by a veggie of some sort. I've tried sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, squash, and 2 fruits, pears and prunes. I liked it all except the prunes, I refused to even open my mouth after tasting those! Great Grandma Willis told my mommy to stop feeding me something so gross. Currently, sweet potatoes seem to be my favorite right now.

I'm a great sleeper, most days Mommy and Daddy have to wake me up to go to school in the morning. I get up probably around 6:30/7 AM on the weekends, early bird gets the worm! Sometimes I will even play in my crib if mommy and daddy aren't quite ready to get up just yet. They stay up later than my 8 PM bedtime, so I try to self entertain.

My current favorite toys are Sophie the teething giraffe, my stuffed puppy with teething paws from Calvin DeMasi, and anything else I can stuff in my mouth to chew.

I'm a big boy! Now I wear size 3 diapers and size 6 to 9 month clothing. (Well, in Carter's brand anyway.) Mommy and Daddy have to weigh me and take my height, but they keep telling me how much I am growing! My little (large) thighs often get stuck in my bumbo seat!

Chad's Baby Photos

Friday night we went to dinner with Elaine, Perry, and Grandpa at this really good pizza place in Tarpon Springs, Pinocchio's. It was a fun way to celebrate Landon's 5 month birthday! Afterwards we went back to Elaine and Perry's new house to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I asked if I could get some pictures of Chad as a baby. I wanted to put some on the blog since I already had some of me with Landon.

June 1977

Now looking at Chad's baby photos I really think Landon has his nose! I still think Landon looks more like me, but that is because I'm his mom :)

Chad and his parents (Elaine and Michael)
March 1978

Chad and his cousin on the Diffenderfer side, Bobbie (BJ)

Stewart and Chad April 1981

Monday, July 23, 2012

Prunes - not a favorite!

Well, we found a food that Landon actually refused to eat, prunes. He took a few bites and then pretty much tight lipped and wouldn't let us give him anymore. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

$5 Zoo Day!

The Zoo Crew! 
Landon and I went to the Lowry Park Zoo with cousin Zachary, Grandma Smith, Michelle, and Michelle's nephew Nico. It was decently crowded because admission for everyone was $5! You can't beat that deal. :) We got there early, 9:30, so we wouldn't have to wait in a huge line to get in since the zoo opened at 10. They started letting people in early because of the lines.

I didn't realize there were so many water zone places and splash pads. The next time I go to the zoo with Landon, I want to take him the kid zone where the petting zoo is and see what he does at the splash pad. I know he loves water day at school, so I'm sure he'd enjoy it!

Grandma and her grandsons! 

Landon loves his Sophie teether giraffe!
His stroller fan was quite a hit at the zoo!

We had lots of fun seeing all the animals, it was really hot out so the animals weren't as active. We had a little picnic in the parking lot before we left and just as we got everyone in the car and packed up it started to rain. So we made it just in time!

Mommy's favorite! 
Hungry elephant taking a snack break
The tiger was hanging out in the water keeping cool.

The baby monkey hanging out in his hammock 

Happy 5th Birthday Wrigley!

Birthday boy wearing the bandanna Nana made him!

Today we celebrated Wrigley's 5th birthday with ice cream! Well, Wrigley had doggie ice cream, Landon had a bottle, and Chad and I had ice cream. It was a happy celebration! 
I can't believe my little Wrigley is already 5 years old! 

Enjoying his doggie ice cream

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Diffenderfer Boys!

I wanted a picture of my boys to update the one I had taken a four months ago. Landon is getting so big! I can't believe how much he has changed in just 4 short months.

July 21, 2012

March 23, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sitting Up

Landon loves to stand up in his exersaucer, so I know he is strong. However, he hasn't really had any interest in sitting up, at least not for us. Then Miss Mariah sends us some photos of our little boy almost sitting up on his own. I think he wants to impress her :)

He will sort of sit by himself, but he just flops in half most of the time. He has been trying to sit up when he was in his car seat for months now. So I'm thinking we are just around the corner from a sitting baby. He is pretty proud of himself when he manages to sit for a few seconds.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Funny Feeding/Sleeping Photos

I was feeding Landon and he was so tired he feel asleep. 
I thought I would share because they make me laugh. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Baby Einstein, I think I love you!

Landon has a Baby Mozart DVD from the Baby Einstein collection and he is obsessed with it. To be honest it is really silly. They are just toys and puppets on screen set to Mozart's music. Dumb as it is, Landon can't get enough. So, when all else fails, I get at least 28 minutes to do what I need to do without having to take care of a baby! It just amazes me, and makes me wish I thought of this!

Chewing on Sophie and mesmerized by his Baby Mozart DVD

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Carrot Face!

Landon loved carrots! It was the first one I think he actually liked, his reaction to the peas and squash was not as animated. He kept trying to grab the spoon to feed himself and even started humming while eating!

Landon loves carrots!

Humming while he eats carrots

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Calvin!

Landon went to his first birthday party and it was Mickey Mouse themed! His buddy, Calvin DeMasi was turning 2, and he was invited to celebrate. He didn't really get to enjoy the major perks of going to a birthday party, the amazing cake and ice cream, so Mommy and Daddy sampled his piece for him. We had a really fun day! The picture above is the best we could get of all the kiddos in attendance. The birthday boy is to the right wearing the Mickey Mouse shirt.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Landon looks just like his mommy!

I was looking at photos of myself and I realized how much Landon looks like me when I was an infant! I found a picture of me and a picture of Landon on the same blanket, years apart obviously, but we look pretty similar! 


Here are some other photos of me when I was little, you can see the similarities! 
Landon is for sure my son!  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Much like the peas, Landon wasn't that thrilled with squash. 
He eventually started to like it though.

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July! We went to see fireworks yesterday at Wiregrass Mall with a bunch of Mommy's co-workers (Amy Mathes, her son William, Amanda Pettograsso, Brandon Hixson, Stacey Bedard and her boyfriend David Montalvo). They had a "Freedom Fest" at the mall with some bounce houses and different community people and a tiny parade. We saw Morgan Beck and her family, Luke, Ella, and Livy. Afterwards we went to PrimeBar for $5 burgers. Which, because of lovely Facebook, we got them 50% off of $5! I love a good deal!

Today we hung out while Chad worked, we did a little shopping and then it started raining. We had plans to go see fireworks at Idlewild Church in Lutz, but with the rain we held off and then Landon fell asleep. So Chad and I played with sparklers. There were fireworks all around the neighborhood, so there was a lot to watch while we had our sparkler fun. Eventually Landon woke up to eat squash for the first time.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Landon tried peas tonight! We have been eating oatmeal for 4 days so and we thought we would try something new. Dr. Wilde advised to start with veggies before fruit, so we picked peas. Chad and I both tried it and it actually tastes like peas, just really bland.

More adventures with peas!

Peas everywhere!

Baby on the move!

Miss Mariah told us that Landon has been rolling from his back to his stomach, but we had not seen that yet, until today! We took this video of Landon rolling over. After the video he kept rolling over and over, it was pretty funny. He sure is on the move! He scoots and rolls all over the floor, he gets so far and we scoop him up and put him back!