I'm 7 months old! I can now sit up all on my own and I'm a super speedy roller. I scoot around, but mostly go backwards which means I find myself under things more often than not. I get up on my hands and knees and look like I'm going to cr
awl, but I just rock, then flop over and roll my way to my destination.
I'm getting pretty good at getting puffs into my mouth, which means more for me and less for Wrigley. However I still help my brother out and throw him down some when he begs. (Mom doesn't like that!) I am also attempting to wave to people and I love to give my mommy and daddy kisses. By kisses I mean eat their face. I'm getting better at petting Wrigley, we love to play together. Mom doesn't like it when we try and share our toys.
I've been experimenting with lots of different foods but I still prefer my bottles to food. My bottles are typically 6 ounces.
I eat real food twice daily with 4 ounces of formula. I am doing much better with sippy cups!
I am a non-stop talker but no real words yet. I laugh all the time and am still a very happy baby. I just hang out and amuse myself. My new daycare teachers can't believe how easy going I am!
I wear size 6 to 9 month clothing, 9 month pj's and size 3 diapers. Mommy and Daddy have to weigh and measure me for this month.