Happy Halloween! It was a busy weekend at the Diffenderfer household preparing for Baby Diff's arrival! Uncle Stewart picked up the queen bed that was in there and moved it to his home and Chad cleared out everything else and put it into the office. Which means the office is in (hopefully temporary) complete disarray for awhile! I spent my Saturday working on painting the Winnie the Pooh mural. The previous homeowners had started this really fun mural, but Piglet and Tigger were not finished and there was large blank areas without grass. Our neighbors Matt and Kerry work for a paint company so they were able to help us out getting all the right colors to finish the mural, so I set to work on Saturday. I did pretty well, but Tigger still needs a head and I've decided to add in a beehive and some bees to match the Carter's Bumble set we've picked out for the nursery. The Trent family will be helping me with finishing all this, I'm really looking forward to having it done! Sunday we ordered the nursery set, most of this was a gift from Nana and Grandpa Willis. It should arrive before November 11th although we won't be putting it together until the mural is done, just another thing to cross off our list! I know Nana and Grandpa Willis are also anxious to see their purchases all set up. :)
Chad and I also stopped at some daycare places on Friday afternoon to get some prices and start checking some places out. The prices are pretty comparable everywhere we've gone, so now we just need to find a place we like! I feel this will be the hardest decision we will have to make and one that will impact us the greatest, especially financially. We have lots of other places to check out, so I'm hoping to cross some off our list on Friday after our next doctor appointment.
Baby Diff continues to go crazy in my belly; it's such a funny feeling! Sometimes it will catch me off guard and I just laugh. Thankfully I can blame my craziness on the baby for now! ;) He or she seems to be quite the night owl. During the afternoons it's pretty quiet in there, but night time is party time! Nana Willis hopes that Baby Diff gets his or her schedule straightened out by the time he or she graces us with their presence! :)
Nursery Set (Thank you Nana and Grandpa Willis!):
The Mural in progress: