Friday, October 21, 2011

Guess who had another doctor visit. . .

Today I had my monthly check up with Dr. Morris, my regular OB/GYN. I had lost a few more pounds, which was nice to hear! The baby is doing really well, we listened to the heartbeat through the little Doppler machine. Dr. Morris said the heartbeat was between 140 and 150. He said as the baby continues to grow the heartbeat will slow down a little bit and not to get worried. I also got the test results back for the spina bifida test. Baby is 100% healthy and shows no risk, so that was more good news!

Dr. Morris scheduled another anatomy ultrasound for November 4th since the baby wasn't cooperative last time. He also asked me some questions about my hospital registration (I haven't done it yet), if I was going to take birthing classes (not planning on it), if I was going to take a hospital tour (yes, at some point) and if I picked a pediatrician (I have asked around but that was it). He said no real hurry, but to start looking into and deciding on things. So next time Chad goes to an appointment with me, I will make him go with me and register for the hospital tour. Since my doctor's office is in the hospital it's pretty convenient! And Dr. Morris recommended a pediatrician that comes to St. Joe's Hospital that he likes and can release the baby from the hospital when it's time to go home.

My next monthly doctor appointment is Thanksgiving week, Wednesday November 23rd with Dr. Perkins. I've met Dr. Perkins awhile ago on a brief visit.

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