Monday, November 7, 2011

Baby Diff has a room!

The room is finally put together! We did it! It was another super busy weekend. Friday Chad and I drew the beehive and bees on the wall. Michelle Lebo (a friend of Chad's) was so kind and let us borrow her projector so we just have to trace the images we wanted on the wall! It was perfect.

Saturday the Trent's came over and we picked up the baby's nursery furniture. They were so sweet to help us with that AND help us pick it up in their truck! Then, because they are so awesome, Shannon drew Tigger a head! It was during the process of getting a head for Tigger that Andrea pointed out that the characters were playing "London Bridges" not high-fiving like I had been saying. So, if you Google Pooh and Tigger playing London Bridges the first image is what you see on our wall! How funny is that? I really had no

Sunday we were up extra early because of the time change, so we took advantage of that and taped off the room and set to work! Our nieghbors, Matt and Kerry work for a paint company so they have been helping us get all the paint colors we needed. Their manager was so sweet and didn't charge us for the yellow we wanted for the other 3 walls. We really lucked out with this project! Chad painted the 3 walls yellow while I set to work on the beehive, bees, and Tigger. After the painting was all done and dry it was still light out (thanks again daylight savings) and both of our football teams were losing so bad, it was painful to watch. So we decided to take advantage of the time and put together all the nursery furniture that Nana and Grandpa Willis bought for us. Wrigley was a huge help that day, inspecting every thing we did. Poor little guy has no idea how much his world is going to be rocked with this baby gets here!

We have the valance and blanket from the nursery set we like so we will have those in the room as well. We are keeping the Disney characters my mom made for me when I was a child on the shelves above the closet. They pretty much go with the Disney theme of Winnie the Pooh. The baby's bathroom is decorated in Mickey Mouse, so they better love Disney! :)

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