Friday, February 17, 2012

Let's Get That Baby Out Of There!

The doctor visit went well yesterday. The ultrasound was first, they measured everything on the baby. At first she said, “There is its little head!” and I said, “Oh, I like that you said little.” She then measured it and said, “Well, I guess its all relative. Perhaps I should have said there is its cute head.”

Chad was so cute, he said about 10 times down the hallway to the ultrasound room, "make sure you tell we don't want to know" and then when we got in the room he told the tech that we didn't want to know the baby's gender. She told him that since everything was so squished that she would have to really look hard at this point and it would be a guess.

The measured its head, bones, space from the walls of my uterus to the baby, how much fluid I had, and some other things that I have no idea. Since the baby was so smooshed in there I couldn’t tell anything. Well, that isn't true; I could make out a foot once. The baby’s head is in the proper position and has dropped. We couldn't see the face because it was too low (which is a good sign!) The lung function is great, the heart beat is strong, and my fluid levels are apparently good.Then they calculated the measurements and came up with 7 pounds 15 ounces.

We had our doctor appointment with Mary Jane Dobson and she had us listen to the baby's heart rate on the doppler machine. It is still 140s/150s. She checked my dilation and I'm 1 cm but I'm not effaced yet.

Since our appointment was with Mary Jane, and she doesn't deliver the babies, she had to get Dr. Solomon to go over all the baby's measurements and talk about different delivery methods.Dr. Solomon told me there is a ½ pound margin of error either way, but this baby is in the 90th percentile and they would like me to deliver prior to my due date. They offered me a C-section last night and I declined it. They went over all the risks of a larger baby, which I know they have to legally do. We decided to go ahead with being induced next week. They can’t legally induce until week 39 which is next Friday, the 24th. The lady, Sybil, at the doctor’s office is calling to set it up with the hospital so I should know the date soon. Although Dr. Solomon told me yesterday it is possible for me to go into labor on my own this week. Her parting words were, "Let's get that baby out of there!"  My next doctor appointment is Thursday, 23rd at 2:45 PM with Dr. Solomon.

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