Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm 4 Months Today!

We spent Landon's 4 month "birthday" getting his 3 month portraits at JC Penny. Landon was going to have Nana take his 3 month photos in Cleveland, but her camera broke. They sent us a coupon for no sitting fees and 2 free 8x10s. I'm not really sure what I will do with these 8x10s, but we have them! Nana said she will take Landon's 6 month photos for him.

*You can access the photos on the JC Penny website for 90 days, the code is LTPP041113045JCP
This link might work:

Landon learned so much during his 3rd month of life, it is just amazing watching him grow. His personality is sure developing! He is a laid back, easy going baby with lots of smiles! However, he has a pretty strong stubborn streak (we aren't sure where that came from!).

Now Landon laughs and it is the cutest thing! He learned how to "talk" and make noises on a regular basis. He started out doing it with his mouth closed, and it was really funny. He quickly discovered that if he opened his mouth the noise was so much louder.

We have had a major struggle this month with Landon's thumbs always being in his mouth. He feels the need to suck on fingers, fists, and mainly his thumb constantly. His hands are almost always near his head, so I guess it is natural, but Mommy and Daddy have been putting up a good fight getting those hands away from his mouth and giving him alternative things to suck on. He really isn't that picky, when I was holding him he was trying to suck on my shoulder.

We now roll over too! Mommy and Daddy have only witnessed him rolling over from his tummy to his back, but Miss Mariah told us he can also go from his back to his tummy. Apparently he reserves that trick for just her. Either way it creates some super funny positions when he wakes up in the morning.

Dr. Wilde told us at his 4 month appointment that Landon is very strong. He is doing great with neck control and really loves to stand up. Obviously he can't stand on his own, but he tries! He really loves to sit up, although he can't sit up on his own he tries really hard. I think the fact he is really nosy will help him achieve the mobility that he wants so badly!

Oh, and on a funny note, Chad had to sign Landon's first "ouch" report at daycare today. It wasn't even because of another child, Landon gave himself a hickey! It was on his right arm because he was sucking it too hard. Of course he decided to do this on picture day :)

Travel/fun things this month:
Landon spent his 3rd month "birthday" in Charlotte, NC at Nana and Pop's house for the NASCAR race. The was his 3rd trip to North Carolina. Landon went to Cleveland, Ohio to visit Mommy's family. This trip included 2 trips on a airplane, a visit to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, and his first bon fire at Gail and Brian Sente's house! Landon attended his first babyshower/sprinkle for his soon to be new friend Juliet Berman. He also helped move Grandma and Grandpa from their house in Brooksville to Dunedin, right down the street from Great Grandpa Stahlhut. Landon survived his first tropical storm, Debby. He also had his first non-family babysitter. Amanda, mommy's co-worker, and her boyfriend Brandon babysat Landon while they went to dinner and a movie.

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